Les films Poland en streaming

Voir Thr3e en streaming

Trois amis affrontent les énigmes mortelles d'un redoutable psychopathe...

Voir Inland Empire en streaming

Nous voici plongés dans une histoire de mystère, l'énigme d'un monde au coeur des mondes, le secret d'une femme en proie à l'amour et aux tourments...

Voir Chaos en streaming

The movie is about three brothers and a sister. The brothers include a would-be tough guy thug, a sleazy lawyer and an anarchist. The anarchist and the sister (Maria Strzelecka) have a thing for each other that is more than just sibling affection. Each of them is facing a problem of their own making. A lot depends on how they deal with their issues, as there isn't much lower they can stoop other than being dead. In the beginning of the film there is a lot going on, which makes it a little hard to follow, but that goes along with the theme of chaos.

Voir Hors de Portée en streaming

William Lancing est sans nouvelles d'Irina, une orpheline polonaise avec qui il entretenait une correspondance. Pour cet ex-agent de la CIA, il n'y a pas de doute : l’adolescente est en danger. William se rend en Pologne et constate que l'orphelinat qui l'hébergeait cache un vaste réseau de prostitution....

Voir L'Affaire Van Haken en streaming

Ce devait être son dernier contrat. Mais, en acceptant de transporter et livrer en mains propres un paquet à M. Van Haken, l'agent secret Jonathan Cold ne se doutait pas qu'il se retrouverait avec des tueurs aux trousses.

Voir Męska sprawa en streaming

13-year-old Bartek tries desperately to hide the fact that his father beats him. Lonely and with no support from his mother or his school, tyrannized by his soccer coach, the boy finds his only friend in an old dying stray dog.

Voir Az utolsó blues en streaming

On the surface it is an idyll. He lives a happily married life with Judit, a teacher and their eight-year old son, Dani. His best friend, Zoli is also his business partner and between the two of them they own four flourishing bakeries in Budapest. An enviable setting. But in the background a time bomb is ticking away. For years Andris has been living a passionate and blessed second life. The scene is Poland. Pretending to be making business trips, he has been spending half the year in Cracow, with Bea. She is a beautiful young woman and a church-painter. In this life Andris paints Creation in the chapel near the city. He is sensitive and gifted in what he does. In Pest he is a talented businessman, in Cracow an excellent artist. It is as if there were two people in him. What's more: he is satisfied with both lives. And since he is also an excellent conspirator, until this early morning he has never had to make a choice. But now Bea is pregnant, and would like to marry him...

Voir Młody las en streaming

In the beginning of the 20th century, Polish students are fully aware that the education system is not one in which the truth is taught, but rather one their government wants them to learn. A student contradicts his professor's stance that Suworow was one of Poland's greatest leaders. The argument between the two eventually leads to a wide strike.

Voir Les Milles, le train de la liberté en streaming

Une histoire vraie durant la seconde guerre mondiale, des opposants au nazisme retenus captifs embarquent dans un train qui pourrait les mener vers la liberté ... En 1940, près de 2000 personnes ayant cherché à fuir l'Allemagne d'Hitler se retrouvent au camp "Milles", un camp de détention de la région d'Aix-en-Provence. La France est sur le point de les livrer aux Nazis quand le cerveau du Commandant Perrochon (Jean-Pierre Marielle) germe une idée folle: prendre un train vers Bayonne pour s'échapper à bord d'un navire.

Voir Brève histoire d'amour en streaming

Tomek, dix-neuf ans, espionne de la fenêtre de son appartement une jeune femme de trente ans, Magda, qui habite l'immeuble d'en face. Amoureux, il finit par l'aborder et lui avoue qu'il l'observe depuis plusieurs mois. Magda commence par le rejeter puis l'invite chez elle pour lui faire découvrir l'amour d'une façon cynique et désenchantée. Choqué, Tomek tente de se suicider. Magda cherche alors à le revoir.

Voir Miś en streaming

The main character, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances, is a manager of a sports club in Poland. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament. It appears that somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done it in order to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is taking part in a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for another actor is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play the dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...

Voir Pharaon en streaming

Évocation de la vie de Ramsès XIII, qui prend le pouvoir à la suite de son père dans une époque difficile, avec une population appauvrie, un système administratif en décadence, une armée en révolte et une caste de grands prêtres puissants.