Fiche et filmographie de The Storm Riders Collection

The Storm Riders Collection

Né le 2009-12-10

The evil Lord Conqueror, head of Conqueror's Clan, is given a prophecy by Mud Buddha. It is said that if Conqueror finds two young children by the name of Wind and Cloud he will have good fortune. Mud Buddha tells Conqueror to look for him 10 years later so that he can tell the rest of Conqueror's fortune.

3 Film de The Storm Riders Collection

Voir The Storm Warriors en streaming

Le cruel seigneur de guerre japonais Godless, ambitieux et sans scrupule s'apprête à envahir la Chine, il fait emprisonner tous les maîtres en arts martiaux de l'Empire. Mais les deux guerriers Vent et Nuage vont se dresser contre lui. L'un en cédant à la facilité des forces obscures, l'autre en appelant à la vengeance...

Voir Wind and Cloud: The Storm Riders en streaming

The battle between Wind and Cloud has long since passed, but as the most fearsome warriors across the land cross swords in a violent quest to become supreme leader, the two old foes are once again forced to do battle in director Ching Siu Tung's fantasy filled sequel to the 1998 Hong Kong hit The Storm Riders. It's been twelve years since that fateful fight, but true enemies can never stay at peace forever. Legend has it that the seven most powerful weapons will be bestowed on the greatest fighter in the land; making them supreme ruler over all. As legions of worthy warriors make their play for the prize, fate draws Wind and Cloud back into the arena to determine the outcome of an entire nation.

Voir The Storm Riders en streaming

Dans un pays ressemblant à la Chine médiévale, un tyran doté de pouvoirs surnaturels élève deux garçons à qui il transmet une partie de ses pouvoirs. Devenus adultes, les héritiers du tyran se dressent contre lui.