Fiche et filmographie de Yvonne Gougelet

Biographie et Filmographie de Yvonne Gougelet

Filmographie de Yvonne Gougelet

Pledge This : Panique à la fac !

Dans une université d'une station balnéaire située au sud des Etats-Unis, la jolie présidente d'une association d'étudiantes a la lourde tâche de sélectionner qui des élèves de première année est en droit d'intégrer son club.

Christmas, Again

Christmas, Again tells the story of Noel, a young man who travels from upstate NY every year to sell Christmas trees in New York City. Returning without the help of his long-time girlfriend, this year Noel finds it impossible to do the one thing he knows so well---sell Christmas trees. As Noel begins to spiral downwards, alienating co-workers and customers in the process, it turns out this same community of people may be the only ones capable of saving Noel from self-destruction.

The Mad Hatter

An eccentric professor takes four of his students to the mansion of the “Mad Hatter”, an urban legend driven insane by mercury poisoning and grief. He says that there’s nothing to worry about now: the strange, shambling “caretakers” that haunt the home are merely servants that have fallen to inbreeding, and the Hatter himself has been dead for years. But as the students start disappearing one by one, those that remain start to question if the professor’s experiment is truly scientific...and if the Hatter didn’t just succumb to his madness, but decided to spread it...