Fiche et filmographie de Seth Gandrud

Biographie et Filmographie de Seth Gandrud

Filmographie de Seth Gandrud

The Crypt

Un groupe de six jeunes délinquants explorent des catacombes situées sous leur cité. Leur but est de découvrir un trésor de joyaux cachés en ces lieux depuis la Grande Dépression. Mais les « habitants » des lieux ne comptent pas les laisser faire.

Atomic Shark

Un requin radioactif dont l'aileron est rougeoyant terrorise les plaisanciers qui profitent des bords de mer près de San Diego : Une femme sauveteur réagit...

Soldier Girl

A fast-paced and action-packed suspense drama, Soldier Girl follows the implosion of a mid-level drug gang after the boss, Bigg Boy, falls into serious debt. When his girlfriend Julia's life is threatened as a result, Bigg reluctantly agrees to involve the gang in a sinister but lucrative business deal at the prodding of his right-hand man, Anthony. The plan unravels quickly however, when Julia unknowingly becomes involved and sparks a deadly cat-and-mouse game between her and the members of the gang. With time running out, Julia must choose to do the right thing - with the help of some unlikely allies - or be haunted forever by the consequences of her complacency.