Fiche et filmographie de Samuel Leung Cheuk-Moon

Biographie et Filmographie de Samuel Leung Cheuk-Moon

Filmographie de Samuel Leung Cheuk-Moon

Old Master Q 2001

"Master Q" is a popular comic book series character in Hong Kong. Each comic book is usually made up of many different situational stories, with 8 frmaes making up a story in 1 page. In short, it is like the newspaper comics that you see in America but in a book form. The movie is about how Master Q and his 2 friends Mr. Chung and Potato are out looking for jobs but accidentally cause an traffic accident for Mandy (Cecilia Cheung) and Fred (Nicholas Tse). As a result, both have lost their memories and due to circumstances, they have become enemies... but then, true love will eventually reunite (with a lot of help from Master Q and Potato).

Ce démon intérieur

De garde dans un hôpital, le policier Dave Wong sauve sans le savoir le chef d'un groupe de criminels violents. Rongé par la culpabilité, il se met en tête d'arrêter le malfrat tout en essayant de faire face aux démons du passé.