Fiche et filmographie de Sam Kamerman

Biographie et Filmographie de Sam Kamerman

Filmographie de Sam Kamerman

Zilla and Zoe

Zoe, age 10, is obsessed with making horror films. A deadline for a big horror contest is coming up, and Zoe is determined to win. But when her father, concerned about her increasingly gory activities, orders her to stop making horror films and shoot her sister's wedding week instead, Zoe has no other choice... To win the contest of her dreams, she will have to turn her sister's wedding into a horror film.

Sophie Jones

16-year-old Sophie Jones is grap­pling with the recent death of her moth­er. Phys­i­cal inti­ma­cy with anoth­er per­son becomes the only way for Sophie to feel any­thing. She tries to keep her rela­tion­ships strict­ly for her own empow­er­ment and as a means of dis­trac­tion. Ulti­mate­ly Sophie learns that sex­u­al inti­ma­cy is a tem­po­rary salve, but love is last­ing med­i­cine.