Fiche et filmographie de Rômulo Medeiros

Biographie et Filmographie de Rômulo Medeiros

Filmographie de Rômulo Medeiros

Assalto ao Banco Central

"The Baron" wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence. For this he would need the right people willing to get 1 million dollars to take part in this job. Based on true events, in 2005, 168,000,000 Brazilian Real (almost 80,000,000 US dollars) were stolen from a Brazilian Central Bank (Federal Reserve), making it the biggest peace-time robbery in history. It was perhaps the most audacious bank heist ever.

Riche en amour

Pour séduire Paula, Teto veut prouver qu'il n'est pas qu'un gosse de riche. Il s'invente alors des origines modestes, mais son mensonge sera lourd de conséquences.