Fiche et filmographie de Natasha Negovanlis

Biographie et Filmographie de Natasha Negovanlis

Filmographie de Natasha Negovanlis

Almost Adults

Almost Adults est une histoire d'amour platonique entre deux meilleures amies de longue date qui luttent pour garder leur amitié intacte alors que leurs vies respectives se dirigent dans des directions différentes.

Freelancers Anonymous

Billie #hatesherjob and quits mere months before getting married. She meets a ragtag group of women also looking for employment, and finds herself juggling her upcoming wedding with launching a new tech start-up.

The Carmilla Movie

It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy apartment in downtown Toronto, Laura continues to hone her journalism skills while Carmilla adjusts to a non-vampire lifestyle. Their domestic bliss is suddenly ruptured when Carmilla begins to show signs of "re-vamping" – from a fondness for bloody treats to accidental biting – while Laura has started having bizarre, ghostly dreams. The couple must now enlist their old friends from Silas University to uncover the unknown supernatural threat and save humanity – including Carmilla's.