Fiche et filmographie de Marek Kondrat

Biographie et Filmographie de Marek Kondrat

Marek Kondrat est un acteur polonais, né le 18 octobre 1950 à Cracovie.Marek Tadeusz Kondrat a remporté plusieurs récompenses théâtrales ou cinématographiques, dont plusieurs pour le film D

Filmographie de Marek Kondrat


Inquiet de la nouvelle orientation imprimée à la révolution en 1793, Danton quitte sa retraite et regagne Paris. Il dénonce la "Terreur" qui règne sur la capitale et affronte son ancien compagnon de lutte, Robespierre.

Mała matura 1947

A couple with two small children (Ludwik is fourteen and Hania is nine) travel from Lwow to a newly liberated Krakow. Ludwik attends a good school and quickly establish friendships. Before the 1946 June "3XTAK” referendum Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, leader of the PSL party, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, came to Krakow. During his visit Ludwig was involved in a street brawl and consequently, was arrested. In turbulent times in which Ludwik matures, things trivial and silly still verge on the serious and the tragic...