Fiche et filmographie de Kevin Ketcham

Biographie et Filmographie de Kevin Ketcham

Filmographie de Kevin Ketcham

The Artist

Hollywood 1927. George Valentin est une vedette du cinéma muet à qui tout sourit. L’arrivée des films parlants va le faire sombrer dans l’oubli. Peppy Miller, jeune figurante, va elle, être propulsée au firmament des stars.


After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state’s highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it’s clear what Keller wants—total chaos. When California goes dark, he gets what he wants. And tonight, no one will be prepared for what’s about to happen.