Fiche et filmographie de Kelly Erin Decker

Biographie et Filmographie de Kelly Erin Decker

Filmographie de Kelly Erin Decker

Lizzie Borden's Revenge

A group of sorority girls are having a slumber party at their house. One of the new sorority girls is Leslie Borden, a descendant of the infamous Lizzie Borden family. They believe that they are holding a harmless séance to conjure the ghost of Lizzie. But they get locked in the house with an evil, vengeful spirit as Lizzie Borden returns to wreak havoc with her axe. One by one, the girls are murdered as they try to figure out how to put an end to the return of Lizzie Borden.

Disaster Wars: Earthquake vs. Tsunami

Deep underwater in the Marianas Trench an accident results in a devastating Tsunami that destroys the Hawaiian Islands as it continues toward the west coast. Panic ensues all up and down the western coast of North and South America. In an attempt to lessen its impact, scientists launch an underwater explosion that inadvertently makes the tsunami more powerful and focused on Los Angeles. Scientists rush to a solution while the military begins planning for the worst. Los Angeles begins emergency evacuation. Lives and loves are lost even as a brash young grad student comes up with a solution: start the mother of all earthquakes to counter the rushing torrent and raise the continental shelf off the coast of the United States.

The Domicile

Russel Brody, a one-time successful playwright, works diligently on a follow-up play that could land him back in the spotlight he so early craves. With a baby on the way, however, and a strained marriage, stress and frustration take center stage. When his wife accidentally stumbles down the stairs and dies from her injuries, Brody's mental state goes from bad to one of utter despair. In a bid to help his friend regain his sanity, Brody's co-writer David Stanley suggests he revisits Lucy, his former mistress. The ghost of Brody's dead wife awakens to the sordid details of his unfaithfulness, enraging her supernatural spirit to haunt him in every horrifying way imaginable.

Devil's Domain

Lisa est victime de harcèlement au lycée depuis qu'elle a révélé son homosexualité. Elle en devient anorexique. Le paroxysme est atteint lorsqu'une vidéo d'elle en train de vomir et de se masturber est diffusée sur internet. Elle conclut alors un pacte avec le diable pour se venger.

Aliens vs. Titanic

Des aliens attaquent le Titanic