Fiche et filmographie de Keenan Arrison

Biographie et Filmographie de Keenan Arrison

Filmographie de Keenan Arrison

Tomb Raider

Rebelle et indépendante, Lara Croft, 21 ans, n'a jamais cru que son père était mort. Elle décide un jour de se rendre sur l'île mystérieuse où il a été vu pour la dernière fois. Un périple où le danger guette à chaque instant…


A group of teenagers suffer a terrible accident during a joy ride and get trapped at the bottom of a ravine.

Shirley Adams

Shirley Adams spends her days caring for her disabled son, Donovan - he was shot in the back of the neck on his way home from school one afternoon over a year ago. Since then the Adams family has lost all their worldly possessions to medical bills. Shirley has no money, no job and no husband - he left. The shooter is one of Donovan's childhood friends. Her reaction to the betrayal is so overwhelming that she chooses not to tell Donovan in fear of further damaging his already unstable emotional state. Determined to make a change in their lives, Shirley actively decides to embrace their new circumstances, hoping that Donovan will follow her example.