Fiche et filmographie de Katrina Kaif

Biographie et Filmographie de Katrina Kaif

Filmographie de Katrina Kaif


An ex-boxer Baldev Choudhary (Dharmendra) has had a stain in his boxing career. He wanted to wash it with his son Angad's (Sunny Deol) success, but times were hard and a financial crunch kept him from achieving this dream. Though Angad pulled through fine, Baldev never forgot who ruined his chance to wash the stain. An opportunity strikes Baldev in the form of a T.V. Show. He trains a local boy to get into this media hyped boxing show, but is ditched for a better coach at the last minute. Baldev's younger son Karan (Bobby Deol) has just launched his first music album. Realizing his father is in crises of his life, he gives up his dream of a musical career to get into the game of boxing.

Ek Tha Tiger

Un éminent scientifique est soupçonné d'aider le Pakistan à fabriquer des armes. Tiger, un agent secret indien, est alors envoyé sur place pour surveiller les activités du chercheur. Rapidement, il s'éprend de la concierge de ce dernier. Ensemble, ils s'embarquent alors dans un périple qui va les mener de Dublin au Chili, en passant par la Turquie et le Kazakhstan.

Jusqu'à mon dernier Souffle

Samar, personnage mystérieux et introverti, rejoint l’armée indienne pour fuir sa vie passée à Londres. Au Cachemire, il rencontre Akira, une jeune journaliste qui tombe éperdument amoureuse de lui. Ce nouvel amour réveille en lui les souvenirs du passé, et tourmente le présent.


Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him from India to Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. However, he finds out that in a mission like this, there is always a price to pay, in this case, a very personal price.


Dans cette adaptation du roman de Dickens, un jeune artiste tombe sous le charme d'une femme riche, éduquée par sa propre mère dans l'art de briser les cœurs.

Tiger Zinda Hai

À la fin de Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger décide de disparaître des radars au profit de sa vie amoureuse. Mais les temps sont durs. Des indiens sont pris en otage en Irak par une organisation terroriste. Personne ne semble à la hauteur de la crise. Mis à part Tiger !


Dubai-based criminal don Uday takes it upon himself to try and get his sister Sanjana married - in vain, as no one wants to be associated with a crime family. Uday's associate Sagar Pandey finds a young man, Rajiv, who lives with his maternal uncle and aunt - Dr. and Mrs. Ghunghroo. Through extortion he compels Ghunghroo to accept this matrimonial alliance. But Rajiv has already fallen in love with young woman in South Africa. When the time comes to get Rajiv formally engaged to this woman, he finds out that Sanjana and she are the very same. With no escape from this predicament, the wedding is planned, with hilarious consequences.