Fiche et filmographie de Julian Feder

Biographie et Filmographie de Julian Feder

Filmographie de Julian Feder

A Boy Called Po

When David Wilson's young wife falls victim to cancer, he is left a single working dad with the sole responsibility of caring for his sixth grade son with autism. Patrick, who prefers to be called 'Po,' is a gifted but challenged child who was very close to his mother and unable to communicate his own sense of loss. As father and son struggle to deal with life after mom, they each begin to withdraw into their own worlds. David into the high pressure job he's close to losing and Po drifting away from the school where he's bullied into his magical fantasy world, the Land of Color, where he's just a typical carefree boy with a rich cast of other worldly companions. The growing divide between father and son and the challenges of single parenthood of a special needs child threaten to separate David and Po permanently. Based on a true story, the bonds of love between a grieving father and son are tested in the most real way in Po.

Shelly, champion à 4 pattes

Danny, un petit garçon qui vient de perdre sa maman est inconsolable. Pour son anniversaire, son père lui offre Shelly, un petit teckel adorable. Bientôt, Danny et ses frères et soeurs réalisent que Shelly est un chien très rapide. Ils décident alors de l'inscrire à la fameuse course "Wiener Dog Nationals". C'est là qu'ils rencontrent Marie-Rose, une affreuse dame prête à tout pour faire gagner son teckel...

The Doorman

Une membre des Marines, après avoir vécu des événements traumatisants, est de retour chez elle. Devenue concierge d'un immeuble new-yorkais, elle va se retrouver confrontée à des mercenaires bien décidés à mettre la main sur une précieuse oeuvre d'art.