Fiche et filmographie de Jeffrey Quizon

Biographie et Filmographie de Jeffrey Quizon

Filmographie de Jeffrey Quizon


Amidst the vast sugar plantations of Negros in Southern Philippines, a matriarch lies in the throes of death. Her children rush home to confront the crisis as news of the impending death of their well-loved mother spreads among the community. There, in their ancestral house, the siblings are forced to deal with the issues of inheritance, tradition and the family legacy. It is a familiar tale. After all, every family has its story. And to each one, its own deserved secrets.

The Trigonal: Fight for Justice

An underground fighting circuit run by an international crime syndicate invades a retired MMA champion's small, idyllic island hometown. Syndicate thugs brutally assault his wife and kill his best friend, leaving him with no other choice but to fight for justice.