Fiche et filmographie de Goran Bogdan

Biographie et Filmographie de Goran Bogdan

Filmographie de Goran Bogdan


Goran est conducteur de taxi dans les paysages enneigés et peu fréquentés des hauteurs croates. Porté sur la boisson, il s’étonne lui même d’avoir pour compagne la belle et riche Lina. Celle-ci ne s’est peut-être jamais rendu compte du loser qu’il est. Lors d'une fête de famille, une nouvelle va tout chambouler...

Concrete Plans

High in the remote Welsh mountains, five builders are brought together to renovate a sprawling old farmhouse. Housed in mouldy portacabins, tensions soon simmer between the men and the self-entitled aristocratic homeowner as well as amongst the ragtag group of men themselves. World-weary old-timer Dave and kindly foreman Bob try to keep the peace, but his nephew Steve falls under the malign influence of bigot Jim, the pair taking a dislike to Viktor, a Ukranian labourer. As the weather closes in and payments are late, tempers fray. Blood is spilled. As the blue-collar men are confronted with an increasingly dark spiral of moral choices, Jim makes an astonishing proposition.

Svećenikova djeca

Don Fabijan is a young priest who comes to serve on an unnamed small island in the Adriatic. In order to help increase birth rate on the island, he decides to pierce condoms before they are sold. He therefore teams up with the newsagent Petar and the pharmacist Marin. After they abolish all forms of birth control on the entire island, the consequences become more and more complicated.