Fiche et filmographie de Fletcher Humphrys

Biographie et Filmographie de Fletcher Humphrys

Filmographie de Fletcher Humphrys

The Junction Boys

Tom Berenger leads an outstanding cast in this bone-crunching dramatization of legendary college football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant's debut at Texas A&M in the summer of 1954. The often unnerving story finds Bryant ducking the school's good ol' boy network of rich, influential alumni by spiriting his new team away to a makeshift training base in a tiny town called Junction. There, Bryant runs the equivalent of a POW camp, brutalizing an oversized, underdeveloped bunch of rowdy young men and tormenting those who seek medical attention for cracked spines and deadly heat exhaustion. Berenger delivers a warts-and-all performance as the vulgar, monstrous, yet much-respected Bryant, and the direction by seasoned television vet Mike Robe is brisk and almost explosively charged. Whatever one thinks of Bryant's punishing methods, the film does not flinch from telling its powerful tale. --Tom Keogh


Pine Gap, base secrète de la CIA dédiée aux manipulations génétiques, ne donne plus aucun signe de vie depuis quelques heures. L’unité de soldats d’élite envoyée sur place découvre alors avec stupeur un lieu qui paraît abandonné depuis des années et dont les occupants ont tous disparu. Dans cette base sous haute sécurité, certaines expériences ont mal tourné…

Jack Irish: Bad Debts

Jack Irish is a man getting his life back together again. A former criminal lawyer whose world imploded, he now spends his days as a part-time investigator, debt collector, apprentice cabinet maker, punter and sometime lover - the complete man really. Jack is an expert in finding those who don't want to be found - dead or alive. He helps out his mates while avoiding the past. That is until the past finds him.

Love Hunters

Australie, été 1987. Un soir, alors que la jeune Vicki Maloney se rend à une soirée, elle est abordée dans la rue par Evelyn et John White, deux trentenaires qui l’invitent chez eux. Sur place, elle comprend qu’elle est tombée dans un piège. Séquestrée, sa seule chance de survie sera d’exploiter les failles du couple…