Fiche et filmographie de Enrique San Francisco

Biographie et Filmographie de Enrique San Francisco

Filmographie de Enrique San Francisco

El pico

Bilbao. The commander of the Guardia Civil, Evaristo Torrecuadrada discovers that his son Paco of 17 years old is a heroin addict. His hope was to see him in the Military Academy. Paco, by differences with his father, runs away from home with a pistol. The commander begins his quest aided by co-Body, using the means at its disposal to achieve its objective. Lt. Alcantara, an expert on drugs, will be one of the most prominent in this quest. The Civil Guard Commander begins to discover a world that knew nothing. Urko's father, nationalist leader with a heroin adict son, helps in some way to find out. His principles, his life, his struggle, fall into a deep crisis, exacerbated by the developments ...

Action mutante

Dans le futur, la société ne prend en compte que les personnes favorisées et marginalise tous les autres. Action Mutante, un groupuscule réunissant des personnes handicapés, décide de passer à... l'action. Emmené par Ramon Yarritu, le groupe kidnappe la fille d'un riche industriel...

Más pena que gloria

David is a teenager who feels he doesn't belong to a life where his family, friends and the girl he loves seem not to understand him.


Pour retrouver un ami mourant et le voir renouer avec sa fille, deux vieux copains embarquent avec la jeune femme pour un road trip dans le désert, de l'Espagne au Mali.