Fiche et filmographie de Eloi Yebra

Biographie et Filmographie de Eloi Yebra

Filmographie de Eloi Yebra

La mujer más fea del mundo

Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.

Sexy Killer

Sur un prestigieux campus de médecine, de mystérieux meurtres se multiplient. La police est dépassée, à mille lieux de soupçonner que ces assassinats sont l'oeuvre d'une tueuse en série sanguinaire et atypique : elle est le chaînon manquant entre Hannibal Lecter et Paris Hilton. A la fois psychopathe, cannibale et fashionista au top de la mode ! Les choses se compliquent lorsque ses victimes se transforment en zombies avec une seule idée en tête : la vengeance !