Fiche et filmographie de Ellen ten Damme

Biographie et Filmographie de Ellen ten Damme

Filmographie de Ellen ten Damme

All Stars

Leading up to their 500th match, the late twenty-something members of a Dutch amateur soccer team have their intimate bond put to the test as they each find themselves facing increasing responsibilities off the pitch.


Teacher Rob Dekoster is a good man, albeit a bit too frivolous and liberal with funds the local arts center's interim director. His wife Nelle, who sometimes abuses drugs, spoils his ingrate teenage stepdaughter Sandy, who is kind only to her sweet, mentally handicapped brother, Jimmy Vandevyver. After a class on sexual abuse from feminist teacher Lydia De Beule, Sandy pretends Rob abused her. Lydia, Rob's ex, eagerly helps her fabricate 'proof', which a female police commissioner eagerly believes. A frustrated judge (and father) shamelessly ignores the legal benefit of the doubt, even tricks Rob while in jail. Nelle discovers more then one sick truth.