Fiche et filmographie de Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin

Biographie et Filmographie de Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin

Filmographie de Dicky Cheung Wai-Kin

Les Griffes d'acier

Wong Fei-hung a un problème : victime du succès, son école est devenue trop petite pour accueillir les étudiants attirés par son enseignement. Avec ses élèves, tous plus indisciplinés les uns que les autres, il se voit donc contraint de déménager dans un quartier plus populaire. Mais les nouveaux venus se heurtent bientôt à une secte responsable de nombreux enlèvements de jeunes filles.


Story is about a couple of girls named Ching (Lam San San) and An An (Pak Wan Yin) who have been rivals ever since they were little kids. The main gist of the story, besides trying to go one up on each other, deals with the girls’ hot pursuit of super jock, Paul (Chan Chun Kwok). Ching is the first one to gain Paul’s attention while An An is busy toying with geeky looking Michael’s (Dicky Cheung) love for her. Eventually, Paul gets tired of Ching and Michael wakes up and realizes that An An is playing him and to rub salt in their wounds, Paul decides that An An is the one for him! Next thing you, kiddy hijinks ensue as Michael and Ching feign suicide to make Paul and An An feel guilty, but when the latter believes that the suicide is for real, they too (half heartedly) decide to take their own lives. Michael and Ching must rush to save them from death, but during the whole near explosive melee, they come to the conclusion that they were made for each other.