Fiche et filmographie de Deborah Shelton

Biographie et Filmographie de Deborah Shelton

Filmographie de Deborah Shelton

Body Double

Jack, jeune comédien au chômage souffrant de claustrophobie, occupe pendant quelque temps l'appartement d'un ami. Profitant de la vue panoramique, il observe sa charmante voisine, Gloria, dont il ne tarde pas à devenir fou amoureux. À force de l'épier, il assiste un jour à l'assassinat de la jeune femme…


A convicted bank robber breaks free as he is being transported to prison after learning that his daughter has been killed by a serial killer. Determined to find her killer, he joins with a female cop who is working the case. He quickly discovers that his daughter had recently had an abortion, an action common to all of the murdered women. Meanwhile the FBI agent that he escaped from is hot on his trail.