Fiche et filmographie de Charlotte Munck

Biographie et Filmographie de Charlotte Munck

Filmographie de Charlotte Munck


Starting a new job as a political journalist at a leading newspaper, Ulrik Torp witnesses a brutal struggle for power in the Midparty's ranks -- a struggle that coincides with the charismatic party leader's involvement in a near fatal car accident. A flurry of lies and media speculation surrounds the incident. Gradually, Ulrik unearths a ruthless conspiracy involving the incumbent prime minister.

Daisy Diamond

A tragic story about Anna who dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. But fate has something else in store for her. Though she struggles to give her 4 month old daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child, culminating in a desperate act that has fatal consequences for Anna and her daughter.

A War

Claus Michael Pedersen, commandant de compagnie danois est déterminé, dans son combat pour changer le monde et diriger ses troupes, tout en se persuadant, lui et ses hommes, que le jeu en vaut la chandelle. Mais au Danemark, la guerre prend un tout autre visage, au cours d'une bataille contre les Talibans, une patrouille tourne très mal : un jeune soldat est grièvement blessé et Claus prend instinctivement la décision de bombarder la zone afin de permettre l'arrivée d'un hélicoptère de secours. La mission est couronnée de succès. Le jeune soldat a la vie sauve. Mais Claus ne se doute pas que sa décision impactera le reste de sa vie : les corps de 11 femmes et enfants afghans sont retrouvés sous les ruines. Claus est arrêté et accusé de crime de guerre. Il rentre chez lui, non pas auréolé de gloire, mais bien pour affronter la justice militaire et se battre pour son intégrité et celle de sa famille.


'Collision' centres on a married couple, Leo and Olivia. As they are facing a crisis in their marriage, their nine-year-old daughter, Liv, becomes a messenger between her mother and father. The film explores the break-up of a family and the decisions parents make in trying to find meaning and hope when everything is falling apart