Fiche et filmographie de Björn Bengtsson

Biographie et Filmographie de Björn Bengtsson

Filmographie de Björn Bengtsson

Någon annanstans i Sverige

Alongside a tranquil road somewhere in Sweden live a number of people who are pretty much like people in general. When a highly improbable and catastrophic chain of events besets them, it leads to break up and change. A tragicomic story that feels both familiar and alien at the same time.

Johan Falk: Tyst diplomati

When Johan and his colleagues are watching Seth and his gang member Jack, they stumble on a larger case than they expected. Seth is selling arms to terrorists, but without Jack's knowledge, in a car where Johan's old colleague Pernilla mysterious appears. While Johan begin researching what Pernilla and SÄPO is doing, Jack suspects that everything is not right with Seth and that he's working with the police.

Robin des Bois

Récit des débuts de Robin des Bois et de la formation du gang de Sherwood. Robin de Loxley, combattant aguerri revenu des croisades, et un chef maure prennent la tête d’une audacieuse révolte contre la corruption des institutions.

Le Coupable idéal

L'histoire captivante du plus grand scandale judiciaire de Suède, à propos d'un homme qui a tout sacrifié dans sa quête de la vérité.

Operation Ragnarök

Dans ce thriller dystopique, un accident libère un virus qui transforme les humains en monstres. Les survivants doivent maintenant se serrer les coudes pour s'en sortir.