Fiche et filmographie de Arturo Valls

Biographie et Filmographie de Arturo Valls

Filmographie de Arturo Valls

On marche sur la tête

Hugo et Braulio ont tous deux suivis de longues études universitaires. Fatigués de chercher du travail en Espagne, ils décident de tenter leur chance en Allemagne suite à un programme télé intitulé « Les Espagnols à travers le monde ». Mais c’est vite la désillusion…

Los del túnel

The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.

Villaviciosa de al lado

Villaviciosa de al Lado is a peaceful town stuck in time, living exclusively of the fame of a 200 years-old spa. Therefore, city hall's debts threatens to close the spa and ruin all town. Their salvation becomes when suddenly mayor Anselmo and the rest of members of city hall realize that they won the Christmas Lottery. But their happiness turns in horror after to discover that the prize belongs to a serial number distributed by the town's brothel, causing the suspicion of the wives and fear of the husbands after a TV interview where Mari, brothel's owner, claims that the almost men of the town will have prize from the lottery. Wanting a way to charge the prize to save the town without having to suffer the anger of their respective women, Anselmo, Ricardo, César, Juandi and Paco plots a plan in order to steal the money from the brothel, meanwhile Mari tries reconcile her stranded life and restore the memory of her deceased father, a former mayor.

Toc Toc

En attendant désespérément l'arrivée de leur médecin, des patients atteints de TOC n'ont d'autres choix que de devoir supporter les étranges manies de chacun.

El mejor verano de mi vida

A father in financial problems takes his son on vacation as he tries to solve his life.


Pour retrouver un ami mourant et le voir renouer avec sa fille, deux vieux copains embarquent avec la jeune femme pour un road trip dans le désert, de l'Espagne au Mali.