Fiche et filmographie de Archie Adamos

Biographie et Filmographie de Archie Adamos

Filmographie de Archie Adamos

Ang Pulubi at ang Prinsesa

A homeless little girl named Rosalie saves an abducted rich selfish brat Nikka. Rosalie gets shot when one of the goons opens a fire. To extend their gratitude for Rosalie’s bravery, Nikka’s mother adopts the lesser fortunate child. However, instead of being thankful Nikka treats Rosalie harshly which pushes the latter to go back and join her fellow street children.


Thérèse Bourgoine est une citoyenne française qui travaille comme humanitaire bénévole pour une ONG sur l’île de Palawan aux Philippines. Alors qu’elle apporte des provisions au siège de l’ONG à Puerto Princesa en compagnie d’une autre bénévole philippine, les deux femmes sont kidnappées avec une vingtaine d’autres touristes étrangers par le groupe Abu Sayyaf, des musulmans terroristes qui se battent pour l’indépendance de l’île de Mindanao…


Amidst the vast sugar plantations of Negros in Southern Philippines, a matriarch lies in the throes of death. Her children rush home to confront the crisis as news of the impending death of their well-loved mother spreads among the community. There, in their ancestral house, the siblings are forced to deal with the issues of inheritance, tradition and the family legacy. It is a familiar tale. After all, every family has its story. And to each one, its own deserved secrets.