Fiche et filmographie de Alison Louder

Biographie et Filmographie de Alison Louder

Filmographie de Alison Louder

Another Silence

Marie, quadragénaire épanouie, partage son temps entre son travail d'officier de police à Toronto, son mari Joshua et son fils Nicky. Fans de hockey, les deux hommes de sa vie partent assister à un match. Mais, sur le chemin, ils sont violemment assassinés par un groupe d'individus embarqués à bord d'un 4x4 noir. Lorsqu'elle découvre les images du drame, Marie est bouleversée. Poussée par le désespoir et le désir de vengeance, elle décide de renouer avec ses contacts de la mafia, avec qui elle a collaboré plus jeune, pour retrouver la trace du meurtrier. C'est le début d'une traque impitoyable qui l'emmène jusqu'au fin fond de l'Argentine...

JFK: The Smoking Gun

Seventy-five percent of the American people still refuse to believe the official story of President John F. Kennedy's death. They do not think he was killed by a lone gunman but by a mysterious cabal that somehow conspired to have him killed. How can this be? How can a crime this famous, witnessed and investigated by so many, remain a mystery? This is what veteran Australian police detective Colin McLaren is determined to find out. JFK: The Smoking Gun follows the forensic cold-case investigation McLaren conducted over four painstaking years, taking us back to that tragic day in Dallas at Dealey Plaza where the shooting took place, to Parkland Hospital where the president was pronounced dead, to the Bethesda Naval Hospital where the autopsy was conducted and to the conclusions of the Warren Commission that have remained controversial to this day.


Tess is the female lead in a very successful Sci-Fi series. She longs to escape from the sexist and stereotypical role that has given her fame but no one around her can believe she would leave a starring role. When a photo leaks that suggests her leading man and real-life husband is cheating on her, Tess turns to her trusted assistant for support. Unfortunately, that may not have been the wisest choice.

Ma vie avec John F. Donovan

Dix ans après la mort d’une vedette de la télévision américaine, un jeune acteur se remémore la correspondance jadis entretenue avec cet homme, de même que l’impact que ces lettres ont eu sur leurs vies respectives.